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Africa Solution Lies In Africa, YALI Fellow, Kemi Onabanjo Share Her Experience

Kemi OnabanjoYoung African Leaders Initiative (YALI) 2014 edition might have come and gone but many of the Fellows would never forget their experience; how the Fellowship transforms them to a new person.

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is a signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders by United States of America. The programme was launched in 2010 by President Barack Obama to support young African leaders as they spur growth and prosperity, strengthen democratic governance and enhance peace and security across Africa.

Since 2010, the Fellowship has raised and mentors thousands of young Africans to be able to change the environment where they live and make them international by connecting with other Africans.

Immediately after the conclusion of this year edition, the Fellowship has since then been renamed after the former African leader and one the son of the soil, the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and is now to be called Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders.

Every year, the Fellowship brings 500 dynamic young African leaders, ages 25-35, from across the continent to the United States for 6 weeks of leadership training and mentoring at twenty U.S. universities and colleges in three areas: business and entrepreneurship, civic engagement and public administration.

Kemi Onabanjo was among the 2014 Fellowships where she has opportunity to get trained by many renowned professors in the United States for 6 weeks.

She share her experience with Lagos Post in this interview except;


How Did You Get To YALI?

Sometimes last year, there was a publication on many websites about Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) and we were encouraged to apply. I applied and we were told to write three essays. I wrote the essays and in March, I was invited for an interview at the US embassy and out of the 15, 000 applicants in Nigeria, I was among the 34 winners.


Out Of 15,000 Who Applied, How Did You Get In?

It must have been God that selected me. I think they were looking for different things which include interest in community services and a passion to transform the country. The essays we wrote was on “problems in our country and the proposed solution we will give to it”. I was asked questions about that in the interview and for me, it was a huge honour and a privilege to represent my country on such an amazing platform and since I’ve been back, I’ve been working with a couple of people and we think about what we can do something for things lasting and sustainable for Nigeria. I work with the private sector and I work with a lot of people in the private sector on how we can encourage other young Nigerians to pursue their passion. There is a Facebook page that we opened to engage other young people in Nigeria, we think about other resources we can give to them, the type of mentorship we can provide to them, give them information about opportunities like this which they can tap into for them to achieve their dreams and collective vision for Nigeria.

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What Was The Process Like?

Right now the cost for next year fellowship is on. When you are selected, there is a six week leadership academic programme in one of the top universities in the United States, and another three days summit where you meet with President Obama and other government officials and NGOs

How Many Of You Guys From Nigeria?

There were 44 of us from Nigeria out of 500 that were shortlisted and we came from Lagos, Abuja, Prt-harcourt, Ogun.


What Was Your Experience?

I have been inspired like never before. I think the biggest thing I took away from the yearly experience was a truckload of inspiration, seeing other people like myself between the ages of 25 and 35 doing amazing things. There were less privileged people as well and this does not stop them from helping their communities and countries. In my class, there were people from 18 countries that the problems of Nigeria are not peculiar to them. Every country is facing one problem or the other and see how we can come together to find a lasting solution to the problem facing Africa. I leant a lot. My network was my biggest take away from YALI. I have friends from over 25 countries in Africa and these are the people I am working with to do different things. I am inspired, challenged and I have network with the youngest ambassador.


Been In The Same Room With President Obama, How Did You Feel?

It was real. Being in the same room was very inspiring. It was inspiring for me because I can also achieve my dreams and I can be the most important person in the world if I work hard. I was also inspired when Michelle Obama addressed us; she has gone through different things to become the most important woman in the world. As a woman, that means a lot of things to me. I can work hard, against all odds to become an important personality.


What Have You Been Doing Since You Came Back?

I went back to work. Beyond work, I have been working with YALI group in Nigeria. The 44 of us have multiple projects we are doing. We are thinking about how we can share the things we have learnt. Apart from that, we are thinking of organizing a summit very soon. We want to build the network of change and network of transformation and we are doing other different things.

What’s Your Plan After The Programme?

The post YALI thing I want to become is to be an activist. Right now I’m working on a change. It’s about taking the responsibilities and making the change. The time is now. We can’t wait anymore. And I think is a constant reminder of the fact that Africa solution lies in Africa is not going to come from Washington is right here in Africa. That’s the charge we have been giving by that mentoring.


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