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Again In Indonesia, Another Commercial Plane Is Missing

An Indonesia plane with 54 people on board lost contact with air traffic control over the remote, mountainous province of Papua due to bad weather is missing.

The Transportation Ministry spokesman Julius Barata confirmed that a Trigana Air Service plane lost contact in the afternoon while flying from the provincial capital of Jayapura to the city of Oksibil on Papua, the country’s largest and most eastern province, according to the AP.

The ATR42-300 twin turboprop plane, which was carrying 49 passengers and five crew members, 44 passengers includes children and infants lost contact 33 minutes after taking off on the 42-minute journey.

While speaking to Reuters by phone, National Search and Rescue Agency chief Bambang Soelystyo said: “Lost contact with plane.”

Meanwhile, the agency tweeted at about 7 a.m. ET that the search has been suspended due to limited visibility as night fell and will resume early Monday.

If you recall, in December, an AirAsia plane crashed in the Java Sea en route from Surabaya, Indonesia, to Singapore, killing all 162 people aboard. In June, more than 100 people died after a military plane crashed into a residential neighbourhood in Medan, Indonesia’s third-largest city.

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