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Submission Is Tough And Unfair, Yea, Deal With It By Adetutu Oshofowora

Submission and Agreement are two parallel lines, submission is only relevant in the absence of agreement, meaning that when you say you submit to a person, it means you didn’t agree with that person but you obeyed his or her will.
Therefore dear wife, when God said submit to your husband, he knows you won’t always be in agreement with him, but he expects you to still obey him. So dear sisters out there, you can’t always agree with him and he won’t always make sense, in fact he probably often won’t make sense to you Since his brain is wired quite differently from yours, lolll, but let him have his way as often as possible, especially when his requests and instructions are not against God’s word and your life.
SUBMISSION is TOUGH, ask a hot head like me, lollll, (Thank God for the coolant he frequently applies to that hot head, hardly heats up now, lollll) But seriously, Nothing Melts and disarms a man like Submission and honour.

NB. I’m addressing normal relationships here o…., let me not say more than this, lolll.
Your relationship coach – Tusky

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