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The Devil Initiated ‘Truth Or Dare’

Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” Matthew 4:3

The ‘truth or dare’ game was and still is the devil’s idea. It is the sly one’s age-long strategy to question the truth (God’s word) and dare people to dare to question it too. The devil asked Eve in the beginning “Has God really said?” and cunned her into a game of debates on God’s truths until the fall was concluded. Satan went on to try the truth or dare game on even Jesus.

You may be aware that ‘truth or dare’ is a game that is common among young people. The person playing the game would be asked a question and the person has an option to speak the truth, dare, kiss, or swear. In the case that the person chooses to pass up speaking the truth, the person is left with any of the options or the others come up with a punishment that the person on the hot seat must perform. According to my readings, the game is a version of a game played as early as 1712 called the ‘questions and command’ game.

The recent Chrisland School debacle with children experimenting with sex started according to the school, with a ‘truth or dare’ game. This piece is not to analyse the sad event but to remind us that we are dealing with a far more fundamental and spiritual issue than we may be accepting. Like many other things we have come to accept as normal and cool, this is not just a game, it is a scheme of the devil.

In the name of the ‘truth or dare’ game and many ‘trending’ things, children and adolescents get tricked into kisses, touching private parts, and eventually having sex, losing their provisions and pocket money while in the boarding house, bullying, violence and unbelievably reprehensible acts. Innocence is lost, and with it, the preservation it guarantees. It is done in the name of ‘fun’ so the import is lost on the children.

While those of us who are custodians of the value of society shrug and say “they are just playing”, our youth, our future, become corrupted corrupt and corrupters. While we all laugh and accept defeat to the evil that mimics civilisation, destinies are destroyed. 

The first humans lost their position of dominion and purpose because they played the devil’s game. We must be more like Jesus and teach our children to be proud of the truth. We must refuse to make a game out of destiny. We must defend the truth and boldly teach our children to do the same without any apology. The truth will always be dared but we all can rise above this old trick by saying, no to life-destroying games and ways.

Further Bible reading: Matthew 4:1-11

Prayer: I will commit to the defence of truth. I will not condone sin in the name of fun.

Song: We must not be enslaved to the fear of missing out on what the devil may be offering because He has nothing to offer, be inspired by this song We Will Not Be Shaken by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser.

Bible Inspired Thoughts (BITs) are inspirations/revelations I get from pondering on the word of God. They are thoughts that encourage/rebuke/correct/instruct me. I have a mandate to share for the benefit of others.

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